Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Sharing of A Loss of Parent

It takes a long time for me to decide what topic to be chose for my public speaking. Among the topic I chose were, “Stress Management and Book Street vs Smart Street, but these topics need further information to be discussed as we just given five minutes to discuss. Finally, after consider everything, why not I choose something that is really happened to me, so I can share with others on how to deal with “a loss of parent”.
At the beginning of the speech, it’s so hard for me to get started. Lots of emotions involved until I can’t speak. Slowly, I can control my emotions and the strength inside me comes slowly until I finished it! I can feel everyone looked at me and they feel impress on it. This is not about to gain sympathy, but, at least I can share with others on how I can deal a great deal in my life, a loss that can change a direction of one’s life. And a loss that can teach you on how to be strong enough to earn your life in the future.

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