Monday, November 19, 2012

The Gift

Taraaa....Introducing my new boyfriend, a gift from my husband..

I hate driving! That's why it takes a long time for me to decide to possess my own car. Am a "passenger" type person actually. Since we move to a new house, officially, I HAVE TO DRIVE! Whether I like it or not! And the same time, am not longer listening to any complaints from my husband (he tired of fetching me everyday)!

Lots of Love ;p Frouline Aging


  1. Awwww so sweet of ur husband! in another way, hes forcing u to drive. haha. but so sweet that be bought u car. what to do, drive saja lah.

  2. not a good driver actually. dealing with rude drivers in kl terrify me enough. I'm just "good" driving to my office & home daily. The rest of it, please dont ask me much...

  3. at last... remind me of our first met... at driving class... brought us to become bestfriend.. that's how God works... :-D
    Have fun driving dear!

    1. ya kan cewek...lucu. start kawan dr driving class jd close friend
