Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's all about life

Oh God…once again I get into temptation. Seems like there is no way out there for me to rectify everything. Once again, I become a loser to myself, when I fail to deny the reality of life, how life is still my main barrier to overcome. I lost everything in a blink of eyes. When love comes to main concern, I fail to remain it constantly, every time I try to save it, there would be challenges to overcome.
I really tired of it & made me idiot when I still believe there must be a way out, even though I knew, there is impossible for me to get back all I had before…just like before..

1 comment:

  1. sabar cik..that is life...huhuhu... may all the bad things gone and good things comes into your life. Anak Tuhan mesti kuat kan.. :-)
