World Hunger 2011..with the theme "Be The Movement", an annual charity event by government in collaboration with private sectors to help those in needy. Among the sponsors are, Mc Donald, KFC, Pizza Hut as well as Fitness First. Total donation for this year is 2.1 million, increases year by year starting from year 2007.

~ give your hope to those needy~

~your little contribution & donation so meaningful~

~Sponsored by Heineken?? Nope! Don't getting confused! Just a speculation...hehehe~

~Redemption coupon for the participation~

~ We have Miz Nina for the charity event!~

~Let's start, peeps~

~This truck for World Hunger~

~The crowd; with participation almost 10000 joining World Hunger 2011~

~The route~

~Finish Line! I made it, 5km walk for World Hunger 2011~

~ I got my certificate of participation: am proud of it! At least I contribute for something~
Lots of Love ;pFrouline Aging